What could make two seven-year-olds suddenly break forth into song?

It seemed like an ordinary day.
That is, until the moment Avery and Archer happened upon some baguettes at Whole Foods Market.
Inspired by their friend Bun E. Boniface, the girls joyously burst into song!
Which song?
It had a little something to do with Bun E. et ses sept baguettes...!
Their enthusiasm may have been bolstered by the fact that they were both (just barely/almost) the magical age of SEVEN!

These best friends love Bun E. Boniface.
Could this little bunny help them learn French?
You decide!
After listening to their rendition of the song Bun E. Learns to Count in French, you may be inspired to break forth into song, as well!
Merci to les mamans for having quickly captured and shared such a darling moment!
It’s thrilling to witness (stealth) learning taking place.
And if you want to try your hand at making an artisanal baguette at home, watch this video from Éric Kayser on making a pain de tradition française (complete with recipe!). Bon appétit !
2 thoughts on “Breaking Forth into Song”
Adorable little French girls! Thank you for sharing.
What a delightful display of French fun! So glad the girls’ mother was there to record the moment!