What could make two seven-year-olds suddenly break forth into song? And if you want to try your hand at making an artisanal baguette at home, watch this video from Éric Kayser on making a pain de tradition française (complete with recipe!). Bon appétit !
Category: Books, Bun E. Games, Events, News, France/French France, French
For every bunny who loves chocolate and Easter, try this bilingual word search and practice your French!
Bun E. Boniface to join Monkey and Dog Books Bun E. Boniface celebrates Independent Bookstore Day with Monkey and Dog Books at their lovely bookstore in Fort Worth’s trendy West 7th Street area. Last Saturday in April Celebrated annually on the last Saturday of April, the national event was established […]
Bun E. Boniface® Kicks Off France Week at Dallas Blooms! Celebrate France Week at Dallas Blooms with Bun E. Boniface! Bun E. Boniface® will help kick off France Week at the Dallas Arboretum for their 2018 Dallas Blooms festival, A World of Flowers. Each week of the festival will be […]
1 comment French is “Elementary” at SMU SYP. It’s now offered to Kindergarten students, as well! Welcoming children from across the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area, enrollment is open for Southern Methodist University CAPE’s 2017 Summer Youth Camp. Best of all, they have French! French is Elementary at SMU SYP New […]
Foreign Affair: Lamplighter to offer French Posted by The Lamplighter School of Dallas on 11/18/16. For the first time, Lamplighter is offering French and Japanese as Night Light classes. There will be three French classes offered and students in Pre-K through second grade will be eligible. There will be two […]
Purple Carrots? Yes, ’tis true: The earliest carrots were purple! Known to mankind for about 5,000 years, historians think the first carrots came from the part of the world we now call Afghanistan. Purple carrots in ancient times Egyptian temple drawings from 2000 B.C. feature a purple plant many specialists […]
Can a bunny learn to count? Bun E. Boniface did! And if you’ve read the book Bun E. Learns to Count in French, you’ll know just how. Would you like to try? Look at the picture of Bun E. beside the puzzle and try to find the words for the […]
Among the many treasures at The Cloisters in New York City, this one stands out as particularly divine. This exquisite Book of Hours was created in the 14th century for Jeanne d’Evreux, when she was Queen of France. It is small enough to fit comfortably in your hands. Currently housed […]
Human Interaction Crucial to Language Learning A word of caution for parents wanting to offer their child the advantages of early language learning: Studies have shown that human interaction is crucial for language learning to take place! Multilingual Abilities at Birth Babies are born with the innate ability to reproduce […]
Can a bunny learn to count in French? You might be surprised! Take a peek inside the book via the slide show below. , Bun E. Learns to Count in French. To listen to the Overture from the CD while you browse, please click the embedded audio file below. To sample […]
Founding Fathers Fluent in French! Some of the most important and influential Founding Fathers of the United States of America were fluent in French! John Adams – First Vice-President of the U.S. (serving under President George Washington); 2nd U.S. President; father of John Quincy Adams Thomas Jefferson – 3rd U.S. […]
The United States’ first public library, located just outside Boston, was founded with books from Benjamin Franklin’s private collection. It was named Franklin Public Library in his honor. Franklin was a famous inventor, innovator, and statesman. He spent time in France helping John Adams secure France’s support in the Colonies’ […]